Community Feedback
Here are some testimonies from parents and students alike:
"Your assembly is the best one we've had in 10 years" - Teacher La Costa Heights Elementary
"Joel Anderson will forever live within the hearts of the La Costa Heights community. As a keynote speaker for ability awareness month, Joel inspired us all. We will never forget the stories he told, the custom art he bestowed on us, and the messages he conveyed about how to be friends with the special needs students. His advice was invaluable and his friendship we will never forget."
~ Leighangela Brady Ed.D., Principal, La Costa Heights Elementary School
"Joel Anderson has a unique ability to help people understand autism. He inspires people of all ages to have courage and be a friend to people with special needs. His colorful illustrations make us all smile." ~ Dayna K. Hoff, Co-Founder & Executive Director of The Autism Tree Project Foundation, San Diego, CA
"Courage at the Concert deals with subjects that need to be discussed with our children. As a mother, I loved the fact that I could read this with our daughter, and have an open dialogue about how to celebrate peoples unique differences, rather then fear (and/ or) bully them. Our daughters kindergarten class was studying the concept of courage, and her teacher read Joels book to the class as an example of what it means. Her classmates loved it!It's a must for your little ones home library :)
Kelly A.CEO Little Penguins Online (& MOM)"
"Thanks you for coming and saying everything you reminded me to treat everyone the same and not to bully or be rude to anyone because of a disability" -
"Thank you so much for coming to our school to talk about ability awareness, I could never make a presentation in front of 300 kids. You are very inspiring" -
"Thank you for the great assembly you were very inspirational, I'll be looking forward to your second book!" - Grant
"Thank you for speaking at the assembly. You are a great artist. Your songs and books are fantastic!" - Madison
"Dear Joel,
Everyone in the school enjoyed your visit at our campus, especially me. I think they really liked it when you drew the picture of the dog in "The Courage of the Concert". All of us appreciate your time you spent with us! I can tell that they want you to come again next year.
Braden, grade 4. Adobe Bluffs"
"Joel's drawings were awesome. His book is great. He should come out with more. Good
luck with your books and drawings.
Duncan, grade 4. Adobe Bluffs"
"Dear Joel,
Thank you for coming to are school and sharing with us. Your my hero. You've inspired me to draw and be creative. If I ever see a guy picking on an autism kid, then I'll stick up for him.
Tyler, grade 3 La Costa Heights"
"Your book is fantastic!
Madison grade 5. La Costa Heights"
"Dear Joel
Thank you for the great assembly. You were very inspirational. I'll be looking forward to
reading your second book when it comes out. My favorite part of the assembly was the book you shared with us. Keep up the great artwork and don't ever stop.
Grant, grade 5 La Costa Heights"